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 You will fill as you will 

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**"You Will Fill as You Will"**

In the heart of an ancient forest, there stood a peculiar tree. Its bark was smooth and silver, and its leaves shimmered in a soft gold hue, catching the sunlight in a way no other tree could. The villagers called it the Tree of Emptiness. For generations, it had been the subject of myths, spoken of in whispers, for it was said that the tree held a great secret: the power to fill the void within any who sought it.

No one quite knew what this meant, but it was widely believed that whoever came to the tree seeking answers would be given what they truly desired. Yet, the few brave souls who had ventured to the tree always returned with the same cryptic message: “You will fill as you will.” Some took it as wisdom, others as madness, but none could deny the strange peace that fell upon those who had visited the tree.

One autumn morning, a young woman named Lira set out to find the Tree of Emptiness. Unlike most who sought the tree for riches or power, Lira was burdened by something far less tangible: a profound emptiness inside her heart. She had lost her family to the sickness that swept through her village, and no amount of time had healed her sorrow. She no longer knew who she was without them, or why she should continue to live. The emptiness gnawed at her like a cold wind that never ceased.

Lira had heard the tales of the tree, but she did not seek it for its promise of answers. Instead, she sought it out of desperation, hoping that perhaps this ancient being could take away her pain, fill the hollowness within her, or at least explain why she felt as she did. Anything was better than the emptiness.

The journey was long and the forest thick, but Lira pressed on, her heart heavier with each step. As she reached the clearing where the Tree of Emptiness stood, she paused. It was as magnificent as the legends described, glowing softly in the morning light. A strange calmness fell over her as she approached the tree, as if the air itself was whispering truths too quiet to be heard.

Lira placed her hand on the silver bark and closed her eyes, unsure of what to say, but knowing that the tree understood her far more than she could understand herself. 

“I don’t know what I want,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I don’t know how to fill this emptiness.”

For a long time, the tree remained silent, and Lira stood in stillness, waiting. Finally, a voice—soft and gentle, like the rustling of leaves—seemed to come from within her mind.

“You will fill as you will,” it said.

Lira opened her eyes, puzzled. “What does that mean?”

The voice was quiet for a moment before it answered. “The emptiness you feel is not a void to be filled by something else. It is a space waiting for what you will choose to put there. Only you can decide what that will be.”

Lira frowned. “But how? I don’t know what I need.”

“Life itself will offer you what you need. The people you meet, the experiences you live—they will give you pieces. But you must choose what to fill your heart with.”

The words resonated deep within Lira, but they also frustrated her. “And if I choose wrong?”

“There is no wrong,” the voice replied. “Only choices that shape who you become. You will fill your heart as you will, in time, with what is right for you. The emptiness is not your enemy, Lira. It is your beginning.”

Tears welled in Lira’s eyes, though she couldn’t fully understand why. She had come seeking a solution, an answer to the aching void within her, but the tree had offered her something far more profound. It had given her permission to feel the emptiness and to trust that it would one day be filled—not by force, but by the life she would live and the choices she would make.

For the first time in months, Lira felt a glimmer of hope. The emptiness was still there, but it no longer felt like an endless chasm. It felt like fertile soil, waiting for seeds to be planted.

With a quiet thank you, Lira stepped back from the tree and turned to leave the clearing. As she walked away, she no longer felt the cold wind gnawing at her soul. Instead, she felt the warmth of possibility. She didn’t have all the answers, but she no longer needed them. Life would offer her the pieces, and she would fill her heart, bit by bit, as she would.

And that was enough.


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