Romantic love song lyrics

 What is the love ? Why we do with each other  and parents sister and brother so watch this video 



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Read story why we do love? 💓 😘 

Why We Love: A Story of the Heart’s Journey

In a small, quiet village nestled between rolling hills and dense forests, lived a man named Elias. He was known for his craftsmanship, shaping wood into intricate sculptures that captured the beauty of life. Despite the acclaim he received, Elias had always felt a hollowness in his heart, as though something essential eluded him.

One autumn morning, while gathering wood, Elias noticed a young woman by the riverbank, her hands gently tracing patterns in the water. She seemed lost in thought, her eyes reflecting the shimmer of the morning sun. Elias, curious but cautious, approached her.

“Good morning,” he greeted.

Startled, the woman looked up and smiled. “Good morning. I’m Lila.”

Elias introduced himself, and they began to talk. Their conversation flowed easily, like the river beside them. Over time, they met regularly, drawn by an unspoken connection that neither fully understood. Lila was unlike anyone Elias had ever met. She saw the world through an artist’s eyes, but instead of wood, her medium was life itself. She nurtured flowers, painted skies in her mind, and could describe a single leaf with more tenderness than Elias had ever known.

As the days passed, Elias found himself thinking more and more about Lila. There was something about her that stirred something deep inside him—a warmth, a need to be near her, to understand her, and to share himself with her. He could feel the hollowness in his chest filling up with something pure and powerful. But he didn’t understand why.


One evening, Elias sought the counsel of an old woman named Mira, who lived on the edge of the village. She was known for her wisdom in matters of the heart, and Elias hoped she could explain the feelings that confused him.

“Why do we love, Mira?” Elias asked as they sat beside the crackling fire in her cozy cottage.

Mira smiled softly, as if she had been waiting for this question all along. “Ah, love. That’s a question as old as time. We love because it’s what connects us to the world and to each other. Love is the invisible thread that binds us to something larger than ourselves.”

“But why Lila?” Elias persisted. “Why her, and why now?”

Mira’s eyes twinkled. “You see, Elias, love is not a choice of reason, but a recognition of the soul. When we love, we see in someone else the reflection of what we’ve been seeking, often without knowing it. Lila’s kindness, her way of seeing the world, awakens something in you. It reminds you of the beauty you’ve forgotten, or perhaps never fully known. Love gives meaning to life, because it allows us to see the world not just through our own eyes, but through the heart of another.”

Elias pondered her words. “So, love isn’t just about what we feel for someone, but what they help us see in ourselves?”

Mira nodded. “Exactly. Lila has opened a door in your heart that you didn’t know was closed. And in loving her, you’ll learn to love the world a little more, and perhaps, even yourself.”

As the fire crackled on, Elias understood. Love was not a mystery to be solved but a journey to be embraced. It was not confined to logic or reason but existed to connect, transform, and reveal the deeper truths of who we are. In loving Lila, Elias was learning to love life itself—the small moments, the fleeting beauty, the shared smiles.

The next morning, Elias returned to the riverbank where Lila waited, her eyes reflecting the rising sun. Without hesitation, Elias took her hand, feeling the warmth that now filled the space in his heart.

And in that moment, he understood why we love.

We love because it fills the spaces within us that nothing else can. We love because it binds us to others, making us part of a story larger than ourselves. And most of all, we love because it is through love that we find ourselves, and the meaning in our lives.

As Elias stood beside Lila, he knew that his journey had just begun. The heart, he realized, was not meant to be understood. It was meant to be felt, and in feeling it, to grow.


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